Dear Humble Human,
How to build your immune system and why. We spend loads of time trying to figure our how to build and strengthen our immune systems. Did you know the act even the mere thought of kindness build and strengthens those organs. A few foods do to. Have an orange mixed in with some pineapple, the smell colors alone, give off those good feelings’ of serotonin… yippee.
As you read this blog, consider it a resource, to help you find your why. Perhaps even uncover your whole humanness by strengthening your immune system. A strong immune system, makes you feel more whole.
But why? Why is it so important to build your immune system?
Because it makes you a whole human. When you feel good, and healed in your own body. We humans begin to spread kindness, and want to help others heal too, we become better earth stewards.
A kind human, heals themselves, one another, and the earth.
What’s a whole human got to do with earth stewardship? Obviously, everything. We are the stewards. Prosperity is our birthright same goes for the Earth. What could be more prosperous than our health?
Heal your body, heal the Earth.
Want to maintain a healthy Immune system? I use an daily routine from the work of Donna Eden Energy Medicine. See Below
But before I get too philosophical. I gotta know What’s your why? Why care about the earth?
My why comes from a place of feeling worthy to be alive. Worthy enough to feel excited to be one of the way show-ers who steward others into a sustainable bright, awesome future.
When I exercise, outside, my immune system gets blasted with negative ions…SO…what you say? WHOLE HUMAN, I say.
Every one of my body systems fires up, including the energy body, known as the chakratic system. I feel alive, I’m more kind, thoughtful, even generous. Fresh ideas and creativity begins to flow through every fiber of my being. There are plenty or resources on the web who give great insights on the how of what we can do right now in our lives to make a difference. The question often gets posed, what can I do to help the earth.
A simple answer. Take care of you. Build your immune system, keep your thyroid healthy, and eat nutrient dense foods. Foods to build your immune system, strengthen you.