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Dear Humble Human,

Imagine a healed world and what it could look like. To begin with, we know waste Affects wildlife, but reimagined waste restores wildlife, habitats, and ecosystems. I wonder what will happen when we move into a minimal waste mindset. What could our new world look like? Reimagine yards, towns, homes, and landscapes so we can preserve or regenerate what remains of wildlife habitats on the micro and macro scales. 


But how do we get there? 

Imagine a healed world, were we repurpose old buildings into homes so we end the poverty cycle and homelessness. 

I imagine hobbit homes in cities generated with the help of city ground crews who partner with the landscape. Abandoned city lots and buildings become home sanctuaries surrounded by nature. The work of the people living in those areas is to maintain the edible landscapes that will feed the local community, also called community gardens. They refurbish push mowers or chippers to cut up palm leaves, birds of paradise, or dead plants to make mulch.  Yard clippings don’t get hauled away and soil will regenerate.

Water waste becomes a feedback loop that feeds the vegetation in the cities. All other waste is sorted, and it’s easy to connect with nature since we surround ourselves with it again. Rooftop gardens keep homes warm in the winter and cooler in the summer. Bees and birds begin to fill the skies again because they have plenty of tree homes to choose from. 

Every city block has a unique design because artists took up trash and turned it into beautiful useful pieces of artwork. 

How have we resolved the climate struggle with minimal waste? We compost our food scraps at homes, schools, the office, or joyful gatherings.  Compost added to the soil is the regenerative solution that draws carbon back down in the ground. Healthy soil reinvigorates the trees, plants, shrubs, and invites beneficial bugs, like bees, butterflies and other pollinators to your home in our imagined future. You regenerate your own micro ecosystem in your own yard. All wildlife benefits from our willingness to have a minimal waste lifestyle. 

If you haven’t already seen the documentary Kiss the Ground, follow the “Soil Story.” Together we can change the climate situation is the largest message. The documentary brings hope, educates, and inspires. Become part of the movement.

Minimal waste regenerates wildlife. A healed world where everyone thrives.

Minimal waste restores wildlife in the oceans too. Microplastics and balloons won’t appear on the beaches or in fish anymore. Oceans will once again team with life. Whales, dolphins, manta ray’s would live longer without the nets they’re caught up in. Imagine crystal clear oceans because trash is minimal. 

I imagine a circular economy where clothes, electronics, and household goods get recycled into new items or sold to special stores for secondhand goods. The life of clothes would be much longer and the variety would be endless. Imagine electronics and kitchen equipment getting refurbished and sold again. Most of the parts still function; it’s usually only a few small pieces that need to be repaired. 

The point is to remind ourselves we live on a shared planet. Each action or inaction affects key species, so everyone becomes affected by the pains or pleasures of our choices. We want every living being to benefit from life on the earth.  

How will we show up today? What will bring meaning into the work we do? We each have our unique talents and gifts. In what ways will we use them for the greater good of all? Let us be clear, consistent, and cooperative with our actions and continue to tune into the heart. Ask, what choices we can make today to enhance tomorrow? How will we live in faith? Faith is love in action. Once we imagine the minimal-waste future, we can create it.

We can do better. Start with gratitude. Thank you for reading musings from The Earth Coach. If you like the topic, please share on your social media.