Dear Humble Human

The hidden treasures of weeds. Weeds restore water and carbon. Though they appear delicate they find a way to grow wild even in the smallest crevices. Their reeds flow in the wind, and seeds scatter across the grounds. We need to learn to kiss the ground for our wellness, water, and climate; to love the ground like weeds live it so we can find a way to grow wild.

A cloud of dirt kicked up behind a mower. At first glance I thought the mower had malfunctioned, but instead the driver continued to make those lines over and over again in the DIRT!  Do we want to choke ourselves out? Or keep dying of heat exhaustion when we don’t have to?

Weeds or tall grasses cover soil; soil likes to be covered. Their deep roots interact with the bacteria in the soil while the fungi increase root capacity to uptake nutrients by clumping. Clumped or aggregated soil allows water to infiltrate better, and take up carbon at rapid rates.

The great news for us is reduced flooding, droughts, or fear about climate. We’ve resolved the climate crisis. Can you hear the parody song…Let It Grow!!

Weeds find a way to Resolve the Climate Crisis! What’s that? Yes.

We need weeds. All plants including weeds, and grasses feed organisms in the soil. Those organisms in turn feed the plants. Together they build a healthy soil ecosystem.

We want healthy soil ecosystems because plants provide medicine too. Weeds like dandelions, stinging nettle, chamomile even rosemary have beneficial medicinal properties. Healthy soil, gives us healthy plants, food, medicine, and clean air. Win-Win for all!

When we cut the grass so low that dirt kicks up this process diminishes, or worse we cut out plant medicine.

Ever wonder why those weeds grow so fast? Or how soil is made? Any idea how trees grow? What about the process of photosynthesis?

Surprise! Trees and soil come from thin air!


All cheers for. . . photosynthesis. Sunlight and carbon are key components. Carbon is absorbed by the plants and trees—yeah tall weed grasses and trees too. The plants then use the carbon to create carbohydrates or fuel for cellular respiration—the plants then give off oxygen, a perfect exchange. Humans, and all living being’s benefit.

In simple terms, the process of photosynthesis produces liquid sugar for plants, which then create the glue aggregates or clumps of soil around their roots. These sugars are then fed on by the fungi that in turn, break down the nutrients in the soil for the plant to uptake.

Taller grasses provide a way to prevent the ground from drying out by breaking up the soil with their roots and gives air pockets for water to fill, and have rapid infiltration rates, which prevents floods.  The soil acts as a sponge and retains water and carbon—thus will increase the soils’ capacity to hold and retain water, then tada….no more droughts.

We need weed seeds. 


Without them there will be no more weeds. Let the wild things grow.

Remember tall grasses and weeds are beneficial. Taller grass means softer cooler ground to walk or lay on. Have you ever laid on the grass with your cat? It’s AWESOME!

You can elevate your mower to the highest setting and keep your grass as high as four to six inches. Imagine you wouldn’t need a sprinkler system anymore! Oh the possibilities.

Watch the magic happen!  LET IT GROW! LET IT GROW!

Thank you for reading musings from this master composter and author. If the topic interests you, please share on your social media. 

Have a look at my Compost Coach Patreon Page to learn more, or feel inspired to act.

Check out the picture book, Weeds Find A Way by Cindy Jenson Elliot.

Spread conversations like the weeds spread their seeds. Be willing to be surprised. 

Planet people prosper!