Discover Your Earth Savvy Style- Take the Earth Quiz


What to do with all this crap? Work the waste. Start to compost those food scraps. Make a new story, emulate cycles of nature, Who gives a crap? We do, I hope, since we share one world, why not care for her?

Insert and chew. I read over the paper package to make sure I’ve read the directions right. A tablet foams inside my mouth Oh, I brush away with my bamboo toothbrush. A happy clean mouth feels so fresh in the morning. Then I unwrap a new roll of toilet paper. The logo always makes me laugh. Who Gives A Crap. 

I hop on my bike, and ride to the Protea, a minimal Waste store in my neighborhood. It’s only a two mile bike ride. I park. Step into the store, and am struck by a light floral fragrance as I enter. “Hello, good morning. Welcome to Protea,” say’s the clerk.

Every time I walk into this boutique shop I am in awe of the packaging and ingenuity of the products. Everything I need seems to be here. From a washable sponge for my dishes, to zinc sunscreen, and a bar of shampoo. I think to myself, we’re creating the future right now. People do care. People do give a crap. 

I tend to agree that our woes over our earth and all who live here will come to a screeching halt, when the focus on profits and consumerism ends.

What will that take? A refocus on gratitude for what we have. Gratitude for our capacity to create. Truly, gratitude for our capacity to problem solve with the powers of creativity and science.

We didn’t get into this mess overnight, it will not be solved overnight. I believe we are well on our way to create a bright beneficial future, with the earth at the center of all life. One solution won’t solve all the worlds woes. Together we can.

Who gives a crap? We do, I hope in as much are there are many companies who care. There are many who still don’t. Where do we place our focus?

Give praise or purchase from the companies who care. Find a minimal waste store in your area or online. A couple honorable mentions are Protea, in Oahu Hawaii and Impact Earth Roc, in Rochester, N.Y. I’ve also found them in Natural food stores, in most of the fifty United States.

Get familiar with the ones in your area.. What you can find in your city, town, or state. If there are none, see how you can start one.

Seek companies who have a desire to make those changes, and consider the earth in their decisions to produce in a regenerative way. When we do, more grow.

Likewise how do you connect with the earth? I’m sitting here outside, barefoot in my yard, with very tall grass, as I type to you. I feel the soft earth beneath my feet. A soft earth, I molded with my food scraps, and dried leaves. Under my feet food scraps have decomposed and become compost. I buried all my chicken bones, egg shells, and vegetable peels in my red-clay filled soil all over the yard every week for a year. The result, three different kinds of grasses, I didn’t plant, but that regenerated because I learned how to compost. 

Seek out what is going well. Find the good in the garbage. Gratitude helps us give a crap!

Alas, it takes time for the evolution of consciousness to be reflected in the world around you. With a heart’s desire to change, shifts in your emotional body occur moment by moment. Thoughts become juicy with solutions and creativity. Then magic happens in our external world for the greater good. Choose the thoughts which feel good, for the greater good.

Planet People Prosper because gratitude helps us give a crap!